
Medium boeket abonnement

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With a medium bouquet subscription you choose to receive a fresh bouquet every week or every two weeks. A medium bouquet is a ready-made bouquet that you can almost immediately put in the vase, cut it diagonally and put it in the vase. This bouquet contains flowers such as Roses, Gerberas and Chrysanthemums. The color of the bouquet differs every other week, so you can enjoy a different medium bouquet every time you choose this subscription.

(Price weekly is 39.95 per month (9.99 per time) save 25% or 10,- per month

Price 2-weekly is 24.95 per month (12.48 per time)

Krijg elke week/2-wekelijks van een medium boeket met daarin verschillende soorten bloemen.

From:  30,00 / month
